
Athlone (West Side) Regeneration & Enhancement of Streetscape – Westmeath Co Co
Project: Athlone (West Side) Regeneration & Enhancement of Streetscape
Location: Athlone, Co. Westmeath

Ericsson CDC
Project: Containerised Data Centre
Client: Ericsson (Athlone)
Location: Athlone, Co. Westmeath.
Description: Design and execution of building and civil engineering works associated with provision of data centre in existing live facility…

Kilmartin’s N6 Centre Civil Works
Project: Kilmartin’s N6 Centre Civil Works
Client: Refurbishment Works to Forecourt and Associated Areas
Location: Athlone, Co. Westmeath
Description: The contract involved the removal and replacement of existing paths, services and cobble lock paving.

Environmental Upgrade Works Ballinasloe Mart
Project: Environmental Upgrade Works
Client: Ballinasloe Co-Op Livestock Mart Society Ltd
Location: Ballinasloe, Co. Galway.
Description: Installation of New Underground Slurry Storage Tank Cosntruction of Retaining Wall to include installation of Concrete Paths Installation of Rain…

Construction of New Cycle Route
Project: Construction of New Cycle Route on the Grand Canal, Tullamore, Co. Offaly
Client: Offaly County Council
Location: Cartron West to Lynally, Tullamore, Co. Offaly
Description: Construction of New Cycle Route on the Grand Canal, Tullamore, Co. Offaly

Footpath & Kerbing Installations
Project: Footpath & Kerbing Installations
Client: Offaly County Council
Location: Cloghan/Pollagh/Shannonbridge/Ferbane – Co. Offaly
Description: Installation of New footpaths and kerbing in various villages/towns in Co. Offaly.

Roundabout Upgrade Works
Project: Civil Works associated with Roundabout Upgrade Works at Harbour Street and O’Carroll Street Tullamore, Co. Offaly.
Client: Offaly County Council
Location: Tullamore, Co. Offaly
Description: Excavation and Removal of all existing road way, kerbing, footpaths, signage, and public lighting associated with 2 No. Roundabout Upgrade Works.

Civil Works Project – Ballinasloe (N6)
Project: Civil Works Project – Ballinasloe (N6)
Client: Fides Developments
Location: Ballinasloe, Co. Galway
Description: Construction of a Link Road including Roundabout onto N6, Widening of Existing Roadway, Housing Estate Access Road & Car Parking Facilities.

11th Lock House Compliance Inspection Works
Project: 11th Lock House Compliance Inspection Works
Client: Waterways Ireland
Location: Grand Canal, Castleknock, Dublin
Description: Compliance Inspection and Refurbishment Works

Reception & Integration Centre Athlone (RIA)
Project: Reception & Integration Centre Athlone (RIA)
Client: Roadmaster
Location: Athlone, Co. Westmeath

Junction Improvement Works
Project: Civil Works associated with Junction Improvement Works at Ferbane-Ballycumber Road Junction N62 R435 at Ferbane, Co. Offaly.
Client: Offaly County Council
Location: Ferbane, Co. Offaly
Description: Civil Works associated with Junction Improvement Works at Ferbane-Ballycumber Road Junction N62 R435 at Ferbane, Co. Offaly including…

Northgate Street Road Realignment – Athlone
Project: Northgate Street Road Realignment
Location: Athlone, Co. Westmeath

Athlone Flood Defence Alleviation Scheme
Project: Athlone Flood Defence Alleviation Scheme
Client: Westmeath County Council
Location: Athlone, Co. Westmeath.
Description: This project addresses the issue of Athlone’s flooding which is currently being advanced by the OPW and Westmeath County Council…

O’ Connell Street Car Park – Athlone
Project: O’Connell Street Carpark
Client: Westmeath County Council
Location: Athlone, Co. Westmeath
Description: New Purpose Built 53 No. Space Car Park including Public Lighting, Pedestrian Routes, Disabled Spaces at O’ Connell Street, Athlone on the West Side enhancing the experience of locals and visitors.

Shannon Harbour Public Realm Civil Works
Project: Shannon Harbour Public Realm Civil Works
Client: Waterways Ireland
Location: Shannon Harbour, Co. Offaly.
Description: Civil Works

Temporary Accommodation at Monaleen National School
Project: Temporary Accommodation at Monaleen National School
Client: Roadmaster
Location: Monaleen, Limerick.
Description: This project consisted of Ground and Civil Works, Electrical Supply Works, Provision of footpaths, steps, ramps, handrails and connection…

Temporary Accommodation at Bush Post Primary School
Project: Temporary Accommodation at Bush Post Primary School
Client: Roadmaster
Location: Dundalk, Co. Louth
Description: This project consisted of Ground and Civil Works, Electrical Supply Works, Provision of footpaths, steps, ramps, handrails and connection of all services to temporary accommodation classrooms and resource rooms.

Road Realignment & Rehabilitation
Project: Road Realignment & Rehabilitation Works at Northgate Street, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.
Client: Westmeath County Council
Location: Athlone, Co. Westmeath
Description: Road Realignment & Reinstatement of New Paving & Footpaths

Dublin to Galway Cycleway Whitegates to Athlone Castle Link
Project: Dublin to Galway Cycleway Whitegates to Athlone Castle Link
Client: Westmeath County Council
Location: Athlone, Co. Westmeath.
Description: Execution and Completion of all works associated with the Old Rail Trail which is a rural route through the heart of the Irish midlands connecting…

Shannon Harbour Building Works
Project: Shannon Harbour Building Works
Client: Waterways Ireland
Location: Shannon Harbour, Co. Offaly.
Description: Building Stabilisation & Refurbishment Works